Invitație. Chestionarele Institutului de Cercetare și Acțiune privind Frauda și Plagiatul Academic (IRAFPA)

Carfia sprijină acțiunea IRAFPA de a cerceta situația problematicii integrității academice în universități și, în particular, la nivelul școlilor doctorale. IRAFPA pune la dispoziția membrilor universităților două chestionare care au rolul de a facilita cunoașterea situației de fapt a integrității academice în universități. Universitatea noastră e membru IRAFPA și implicată, și prin CARFIA, în procesul de consolidare a culturii etice și de integritate în mediul academic și de cercetare. Răspunzând la întrebări, veți contribui la obținerea unei imagini concludente, alături de colegi și colege din alte țări, a integrității academice acum. Rezultatele vor fi prezentate de IRAFPA în cadrul Colocviului internațional organizat în vară de Universitatea din Coimbra (Portugalia).

Mai jos, scrisoarea doamnei profesoare Michelle Bergadaà, președinta IRAFPA, unde sunt indicate link-urile pentru cele două chestionare. Cum completarea acestor chestionare va conduce la o mai bună cunoaștere a prezenței integrității academice în universitatea noastră, vă rugăm să dedicați un răgaz pentru a face acest lucru, benefic pentru fiecare dintre noi!


Academic Integrity and Academic Institutions

Academic Integrity in Doctoral Schools


Academic Integrity / letter 79 – Wednesday 14th January 2020

Dear colleagues, dear students, dear readers,

My sincerest wishes go to those who have chosen to free the word and build strong reference guidelines on academic fraud and plagiarism.

• Thank you for your help!

We need your contribution to the two new international surveys we are conducting, one among academic institutions and the other one among Doctoral School directors.

The objective of these two surveys is to map the state of play of the actions (taken or not) regarding the place of integrity within these two types of organizations that are crucial for research and teaching.

• The two open-ended questionnaires

If you are involved – informally or officially – in your institution and/or in a Doctoral School, please take about 15 minutes to answer these open-ended questions. Click on the link(s) :

• Open Questionnaire: Academic Integrity and Academic Institutions

• Open Questionnaire: Academic Integrity in Doctoral Schools

• What will be the impact of your involvement?

This research will enable the heads of Doctoral Schools, ombudsmen and integrity referents in universities to compare their practices with those of other similar institutions, and then to opt for a rigorous approach adapted to their cultural or national specificities.

If you are not directly concerned by these research themes, please forward them to persons with responsibilities at this level. Otherwise, you can provide us with their name and e-mail address, I will contact them personally.

• Save the date: Coimbra Conference, 29-30 June 2020

Data collection is carried out from January to March 2020 through this 79th IRAFPA Newsletter, and then in a targeted manner from our samples in France, Switzerland, Montenegro/Kosovo, Spain/Portugal, Romania and Canada. The qualitative and quantitative analyses will be carried out at the University of Coimbra (Portugal).

The results of these two research studies will be presented at the International Colloquium of Research and Action on Academic Integrity in Coimbra, on 29th and 30th June 2020, which will bring together the actors involved in the development of integrity policies and who have been active in carrying out these surveys.

Please contact me directly by e-mail if you wish to informally discuss our projects before or after the conferences. 

Feel free to forward this letter to members of your network or to register people who might be interested in our co-creation of knowledge.

With my warmest regards.

Pr Michelle Bergadaà, MBA, Ph.D.
President of the International Institute of Research and Action on Fraud and Plagiarism in Academia
Professor at the University of Geneva”

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